Open Mic Poetry

Yesterday, as I was looking around for a good parking spot I stumbled across a local cafe/theater that was hosting an open mic poetry event today. I was uncharacteristically sparked to participate.

This is what I wrote at the end of the day about it:

I can't believe I …

Magcraft Pricing Table

This is the table I put together when researching magnets. I wanted to find the best deals for the right magnets. The cost per was a crucial element to that.

Magnets are your friend: How I use them in Vanessa

I've been in my new home for about two months. It's time I share my thoughts about magnets. Below I describe how I have used them and why.

Sonder - Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

The Realization That Everyone Has A Story

Lutallica - Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

The Part of Your Identity That Doesn't Fit Into Categories

Today I changed my gender on my license

Today, I got my therapist to sign a document and I changed the gender on my drivers license.

And in MA it is the easiest: Get professional to sign paper, go to RMV, pay $25.

Should have done this years ago. Or when the law changed.

I was lucky too …

Chronos is on your Side

Chronos, the greek god of all standing time. This was used to remind me that in the long run things will be different. To remember that what might hurt today might not hurt later if I keep working, changing, evolving.

Time does lots of things, and truly, it is most …

I got a new dress!

I know right? Big deal for me. Wouldn't you know it.

I've had very few dresses in my life. One borrowed for a wedding. Another gifted at a reunion which I'm too afraid to wear. And a third I bought for court which I promptly got rid of after court …


I wrote this song in 2012 and edited as recently as a few months ago to practice playing more complicated music on the piano.

Klexos - Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

The Art of Dwelling on the Past

My filesystem structure

I love organizing. Which means I also love containers. Which means I love knowing where everything is without needing to think twice. I have been working on this design for a very long time.

Feeling from 2010

I was rather proud of this when I drew it. Still am.

Not my time

I can get pretty dark sometimes eh? I often feel that one reason I can't find a way out of my darkness is because of how reluctant I am to share my true feelings with people.

I don't want this life. I don't want this pain. And there must be …