shadows ~ 2017-12-11This trip has taught me a lot about who I am attracted to. What I am willing to do, and how I feel about myself. I am amazed at what I've discovered.
I truly am a pansexual kind of human. Someone where gender does not play a significant role in who I am attracted to.
While there are still so many kinds of people I have not had experiences with, I am certain my enjoyment from physical experiences comes not from some sort of internal identity satisfaction with a type, but connecting with the human in front of me, who's trying just as I am, to be human and authentic.
Bluntly, I am still afraid of vaginas. I am worried about envy and dysphoria. However I am getting so much better at expressing certain needs at the outset so I don't do things I really won't do.
I am so happy to finally be understanding myself. I can't wait to see where I end up. WHAT?!?
Oh, so I had a sexy experience this night. And guess what... I ORGASMED. For the first time. First girl orgasm. I am elated. I can't wait for more.