We have a buyer for the house!

On Saturday last week someone put in an offer. After a quick we settled on a price. A week later we agreed on a terms sheet!

The house is sold!

We are confident the new owners will have no issues with the banks, and we will do our part to vacate properly. The chances of the deal falling through are very minimal.

It's over.

Packing, prepping, and emptying my childhood home is the reason for my snail pace in posting. So much energy focused on it. Combine that with my depression from winter and hormone imbalance and I didn't feel very good about life for a while. But with the summer, hormones, and success with the house I can't wait to finish up the summer. So much to do!

I really hope I can reflect over the first half of this year and build some solid reminders or mantras to help me stay more stable.

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