Drawings Posts

I suck at and rarely draw, but when I do, it's mostly lettering :P

I drew some pictures for two people today

Get On With IT!

A phrase I used at the beginning to help push myself to keep moving.

You Got Out.

A new friend from the internet sent me the most lovely message which I had to condense into a new poster for myself. Thank you <3

Visualizing a feud between Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant

I dreamt a very dream. In which I had to get this tattooed above my belly button. I was very proud of it in my dream before I actually looked at it. The absurdity of the image is what woke me. haha.


I drew this a long time ago. No date. It is still apropriate to me today.

Chronos is on your Side

Chronos, the greek god of all standing time. This was used to remind me that in the long run things will be different. To remember that what might hurt today might not hurt later if I keep working, changing, evolving.

Time does lots of things, and truly, it is most …

Feeling from 2010

I was rather proud of this when I drew it. Still am.

Not my time

I can get pretty dark sometimes eh? I often feel that one reason I can't find a way out of my darkness is because of how reluctant I am to share my true feelings with people.

I don't want this life. I don't want this pain. And there must be …