MindBlown 2

Today was the concert. I can hardly believe it was real.

After attracting an older couple in a park nearby the venue with my violin and performing for them, I found a great parking spot. Cyrus rolled up and we chatted then walked up to the theater. People gathered, set up and eventually we practiced. It was sketchy at first. But the last time was pretty okay. After chatting up everyone I left and got food. Then the fun begins.

A boy I have been spending time with arrived and we walked inside. We sat for a bit unitl I had to disappear. In the back room I was a flutter and felt like I was causing a scene with everyone. This began my anxieties for the night. As the first act began, Odd?Rod, Cyrus took us to a back room and he gave me some money!!! I had no idea it was coming. I didn't expect it. I didn't even want it. He then provided some directions and inspiration. I sat there with the rest of the crew flittering, twitterpated, tapping with joy and gratitude. I almost said something to everyone but decided that would have been too much. When the band went on to play, I hid in a back room to practice and kill my jitters.

The performance was a wild rush. I simply went into it and tried my best. The lights up, the audience hidden, my singer standing directly in front of me, the piano to my right. I focused as best I could and tried to keep my nerves intact. We played through it without major incident. I couldn't hear anything. No monitor, no vocals, barely the piano. I wore a dress borrowed, gold earring, black tights, my hair pinned to the side to keep it out of my playing. I thought I only played a B- but I got enough compliments to suggest otherwise. Unfotunately, the second half of the song relied on a techno track and it failed to play for some reason. Totally disappointing. But, that was how it went.

After, I was a fluster, edgey, and handling it poorly. I got myself out to the boy who came with and began streaming tears after we sat down to watch the last act. I was filled with joy, self-loathing, gratitude, disappointment. How could this really have happened? In one week I lived an entire season's of events. If this boy had not been with me, I would have disappeared, but his presence, support, understanding, helped me gather up and go out for drinks after. I am so glad I did.

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