Vanessa's drive belt update

For a couple days now we've dealt with a squeaky belt. It is no surprise the belt it likely too loose.

The belt doesn't always squeal. Sometimes it does when we first start the engine. Sometimes only after raising the RPMs. Most of the time it is light and goes away quickly. Sometimes is lasts for a quarter mile. It often starts up when I turn on the A/C compressor or when I turn the steering wheel all the way out.

These things lead me to believe that the belt is loose. Temperature, position, and stress on the belt are all factors to how it squeaks. Thankfully it always goes away. But I know that's not a solution, only an acceptance of something wrong.

I am beginning to think that the tensioner needs replacing. I haven't found a way to adjust it. And it is definitely all the way back. I made sure that it wasn't sticking.

So hopefully we make it back to MA with no problems. When I take Vanessa in to change out a dying tie rod I'll ask to see if I did something wrong, or if I'm right about the tensioner. Phew.

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