Baltimore MD with a new friend

Every day is a thing now huh. Every day is, exciting. Every day I feel better and better. I spent two days in Baltimore MD with a new friend. Someone I met on a social media site purely for the sake of hanging out with another trans person. I am so happy this worked out.

Yesterday, we got sushi, and I made a gaff for them. Tonight we went for a boat ride in the bay, walked up a hill as the sun's light faded, then walked all the way back to their place, stopping for a beer.

Notable moments

Some really powerful shit happened in me while with this person. For one, simply, I was in a new city, with a new person, and I held far less anxiety than I ever have before.

I deeply felt grounded in me. Even in the anxiety of getting to know someone new, I didn't lose sense of my self. I think my new friend was also struggling with some nerves while meeting someone new. Which is why I am learning that I should always at least have two visits with someone new. The second day felt much smoother.

Having spent a lot of time around cis people lately, and a many of them older, meeting someone new who is younger really struck me in a way I wasn't expecting. At first I had not really processed their age, but come to find out they are six years younger than me. I was reminded of how far I have come, all the progress. And in some ways, lightly envious they are still in the thick of it all.

Finally, last night my new friend offered a massage, which I was timid of at first. But it struck me that this might be a great step for me. I was right. Now that I am in my body, and having some physical contact with no other expectations. Something definitely shifted in me. Something felt so calming. How lucky am I?

Vandewlling note

One morning a woman came out the door of her apartment, turned to me and asked "Are you moving that thing today?" I nodded. But my first interaction with someone who was likely judging me for my presence as a vandweller.

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