I need to get away from the internet, what can I do?

Hate how you spend all your time in front of computer screens or on the internet wasting time? Here is a list of ideas you can peruse for inspiration. Some of these are quite unconventional. Read carefully.

  • pluck all your body hair with tweezers
  • practice moving one eye but not the other
  • look up anatomy drawings and try to twitch all your muscles independently (Netter's atlas baby)
  • practice character voices
  • learn how to throat sing (proper name?)
  • clean every little nook and cranny
  • take something apart and put it back together again
  • download Zim wiki and start your own personal wiki of your life or simply write in a journal
  • go down memory lane and look at your old photos from 1992
  • philosophize about time, perception of time, habits around time.
  • practice and strengthen the muscles that wiggle your ears (start with extreme eye brow lifts to identify the muscles)
  • read books! - use the library, find an e-reader with e-ink display, borrow from friends
  • work on a puzzle if you have the flat surface area for it
  • design tattoos for yourself
  • look through etsy for any futures hobbies you might want to get into
  • video chat with people
  • re lace your shoes with a different pattern for funzies
  • practice Taoist masturbation/sex stuff to connect with your body in new ways
  • learn to whistle in three different ways
  • turn off all lights, get as dark as possible, and listen. Try to identify every sound you can hear
  • block out as much sound and light as you can, and imagine scary stuff happening
  • watch a visualizer while you listen to music
  • practice an instrument if you have one
  • write letters to people, hell even to strangers. Just put the letter in some random mail box. Write nice things, inspirational things, love things. Not to scare people.
  • watch documentaries
  • explore things you don't understand, like maybe sexuality and gender (my faves)
  • watch free online college lectures
  • if you watch entertainment media, have paper ready to critique it while you watch instead of simply droning out in it
  • practice breathing intentionally, like, breathe real slow for two minutes, or breathe slow then fast or something
  • learn origami
  • buy a van, convert it to an RV, quit your job and become a nomad

My favorite pass time. Conceptualize context. Understand context. Play with context. Dive your mind into the tiniest concept of molecules and focus on water, fluidity, or really explore the fabrics nearby. Zoom out to the universe level and conceptualize the galaxies, the vastness of space time, the orbital patterns if our solar system. Think of how the moon waxes and wanes, how it effects our planet, the way it illuminates the night. Think about how what you choose to think informs your understanding of reality, what your life feels like, and how you perceive others and their actions. Context is queen.

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