Shedding responsibility and happy about it

For a few years I was a pseudo leader at a support group in my area for transgender people. I was the legally responsible emissary for a couple of years. I have since left and failed to hand over responsibilities.

I went to a recent meeting and spoke with someone who I am excited about handing the reigns over to. Well, they already had them a bit. So I'm more like empowering them and validating their value by giving them responsibility.

I am sad, for in a way, I never truly got to exercise the value I carried for the support group before I left. In my unreality, I was always too anxious and shameful to engage in the way I could have. So I watched and prodded from a place in the back, rather than right in the front.

Inspired to do something of value before I leave again, I am taking on a couple of responsibilities to get the group admin stuff moving again.

I am happy to let go. I am happy there are others with similar views as me. I am happy knowing I made an impact on a group I feel is absolutely vital to my community.

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