National Museum of the Marine Corps

This was a tough museum to walk through. It didn't even feel like a museum to me. A lot of things hit me as I walked through.

For one, I felt my own limitations all around me. I am physically unable to make it through any boot camp. Maybe I could, but they wouldn't even dare accept me in the first place. Walking around with a stool in hand so I could sit for a moment instead of destroying my knees while I read, I felt weak and useless. One man turned back and said "boredom kills". He thought I was bored sitting there on my stool. LOL.

Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But the marines don't have that problem. - President Ronald Reagan 1985

This quote resonated with me as I walked through. During times when that kind of heroism was necessary, to have played a role in such significant events. Today, I wonder if modern marines feel they have made a difference. And if so, if that difference was positive. I am not sure if I have made a difference in the world, but I know I have made a difference in many worlds. And I feel that is enough for me. Although, to go through life with the training they receive might make it a bit easier in the long run.

Decisiveness - having the power or quality of deciding; characterized by or displaying no or little hesitation

This word shows up in a number of places in the museum. For this word alone I would be interested in becoming a marine. My life has been plagued by indecision. I want the discipline and will to make decisions and move with them in time. I want to take risks and be bold, but willing to apologize when I make a mistake.

I will visit this museum a lot I think. It's free!

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