Chronic Pain

fucking sucks

Chronic pain is realizing your pain level 3 is other people's level 7.

Chronic pain is being excited when you get to spend the first couple hours of a day without significant pain when you did something right while you slept.

Chronic pain is never escaping thinking about how many spoons you have left and getting better a categorizing actions in terms of spoons.

Chronic pain is knowing that there is no configuration of your body that doesn't hurt your more. Even lying down still adds to your pain.

Chronic pain is hiding it from those you care most about so you can have fun times together without casting your pain as a burden onto them. Sympathetic/Empathetic friends are the worst :p befriend sociopaths. haha

Chronic pain is not being able to take strong pain killers for fear of becoming suicidal at the thought of "this is what it feels like without pain?!?"

Chronic pain is knowing that your decision to take estrogen and live as female is what makes your pain unbearable.

Chronic pain is one of the few reasons some people condone suicide.

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