Web-Dev Posts

I write about my process and progress with the development of this site. As well as, eventually, other projects I dabble in.

A helpful pelican configuration file

When I was beginning to learn Pelican, it benefited me intensely to copy down all the setting options in one file. This way I could see what I could do. Feel free to copy this and use it yourself as you begin to play with Pelican

Version 1 of this website

I have put a lot of effort into making this website over the last two weeks. I spent most of my time working on it because I'm a little depressed and trying to avoid the real problem.

Here's some interesting tidbits about it.

Dynamic image size loading in Pelican using javascript

I don't really know what to call this. But for the background images, I load the smallest size that fits close enough to the height of the page. Hoping to save bandwidth for mobile users.

Using WebAssets in Pelican to serve small css files

I cared a lot about mobile bandwidth usage. One of the things I focused on was condensing my css as much as possible.

Adding SoundCloud embed widget to Pelican using Jinja and Javascript

Another little project that took me a while to figure out was getting a SoundCloud widget on the page without loading right away. This is tricker than I hoped and I wish there was a way I could do this without Javascript. I am sure there is a way, but I have not found it yet. The secret may lie it a:target selector, but we'll see.

Using Tables in markdown with Pelican

This is a small silly one, however when I first tried to use Markdown tables, they did not render in pelican.

CSS Testing Page

  1. Make this page showing off all the styles
  2. Update the styles to have better abstractions DRY!
  3. Marvel in all its glory
  4. Sleep it off.

This page is dedicated to me testing out all the features of this website. I despised html and css for a long time. So this is …